
Looking Back: Reviewing 2012

After reading this annual review and a list of music goals here, I was finally ready to start thinking about what I had done and experienced in 2012 and what I would like to accomplish in 2013.  This post was planned to be part-one in a two part series that would reflect on 2012 and look forward to 2013.  Life happened and I didn't get around to posting.  I figure it's never too late to reflect and do some goal setting.  So, let's start by looking back.  

Here are some of the high lights from 2012:

-Started the Certification for United Methodist Musicians paperwork process after finishing my last class to complete the education requirements in December of 2011 at Saint Paul School of Theology

- I celebrated my 30th year!

-Put together a music resume CD.  
-Read "Blue Like Jazz: Nonreligious Thoughts on Christian Spirituality" By Donald Miller
-Certification paperwork was sent and references collected.  Background check was not completed due to lack of funds.  First paycheck of 2013 should fix that up quite nicely.   

-Oli turned 3 years old and started preschool!
-Read John L. Bell's "The Singing Thing" and "The Singing Thing, too: Enabling Congregations to Sing"

 -Worship & Song Fest at Saint Paul School of Theology
-Read "From Beginning to End" by Robert Fulghum

Worship & Song Musicians
-Performed as a wedding soloist in Kansas City, MO
-Madi turned 6 years old and started 1st grade!
-Started to attend regularly again at my home church in Lawrence, KS but not sure about the future.
-Read "A Community Called Taizé: A Story of Prayer, Worship and Reconciliation" by Jason Brian Santos
-Read "Velvet Elvis: Repainting the Christian Faith" by Rob Bell

-Wrote the only four Elliott Music Studio blog posts of the whole year
-Designed a Contemporary and Traditional Worship Planning Sheet for free download
-Started a Worship Arts Design Inspiration Board on Pinterest
-Read Rob Bell's "Love Wins: A Book About Heaven, Hell, and the Fate of Every Person Who Ever Lived"
-Finished reading Anne Lamott's "Grace (Eventually): Thoughts on Faith"

-Met the Wedding Industry Networking Group in Lawrence, KS and was asked to participate in their bridal fair as a wedding soloist and special occasion musician.
-Read Rob Bell's "Sex God: Exploring the Endless Connections Between Sexuality and Spirituality"
-Designed and printed a new weddings and special occasions postcard to help with publicity

-Resigned from my position at Cokesbury Bookstore at Saint Paul School of Theology
-Started a new office job closer to home to pay the bills and spend more time with my family
-Lead worship by invitation at Williamsburg UMC in Williamsburg, KS
-Took in Worship Night with East Lake Church at Liberty Hall in Lawrence, KS
-Finished reading Justo L. Gonzalez's "Church History"
-Decided to start regularly attending Central UMC in Lawrence, KS.  Joined the hand bells and choir.  Think we found a place where we can be fed and nurtured.

-Experienced the Lawrence Art Center's "Nutcracker" that was set in 1861 Lawrence, KS.  The Free State Liberation Orchestra featuring the Uptown Mandolin Quartet was fantastic.  I took my daughter who is an aspiring ballet dancer. 

-Lead congregational Singing at Central UMC in Lawrence, KS and participated in the chancel choir and hand bell groups.  Decided to be a part of the Leadership Council of the church in 2013 and accepted an invitation. 

-Attended this year's Baker University Candle Light Vesper's which included the Baldwin Community Choir.  It was such a wonderful night of music and it was free!

-Printed more wedding and special occasion postcards for a 2013 bridal fair in Lawrence, KS 

I remember completing this list and being amazed at all the things that I had accomplished in 2012.  If you are like me there is always more on the personal to-do list than is humanly possible to complete.  I do a lot of rolling over to the next year with some of my list items.  I also cross out things that just don't seem to fit my priorities.

More than half of 2013 has already passed.  There are only four and a half months to go before 2014.  There were so many things that I wanted to try and projects I wanted to complete.  Now it's time to prioritize the rest of the year and be realistic of what I can accomplish in the next few months.

Stay tuned for my next post where I look forward for the rest of 2013!

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